Remove a user without leaving orphan data in SQL Server
Completely remove users from SQL Server without leaving orphan data
Dropping a user from the logins section can create orphaned users on the databases, so it is advised for you to remove database access before then deleting the user.
This can be quite time consuming, so armed with the various information I found we came up with the code below.
It has saved me time when removing users, so hopefully it may help you.SQL
DECLARE @UserName SysName='dfgsfdg'--Add Domain if Windows UserSET NOCOUNT ONCREATE TABLE #UserTable(UserName sysname,GroupName sysname,LoginName sysname NULL,DefDBName sysname NULL,DefSchemaName sysname NULL,UserID smallint,SID smallint)CREATE TABLE #Databases(DATABASE_NAME sysname,DATABASE_SIZE INT, REMARKS varchar(254))INSERT INTO #Databases EXEC sp_databasesDECLARE @DBName sysnameDECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR (SELECT DATABASE_NAME FROM #Databases)open c1fetch next from c1 into @DBNameWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS= 0BEGINPRINT @DBNameEXEC ('USE '+ @DBName +' INSERT INTO #UserTable EXEC sp_helpuser') IF (SELECT COUNT(*)FROM #UserTable WHERE UserName=@UserName)>0 BEGIN PRINT'Removing '''+@UserName +''' FROM '+@DBName EXEC ('USE '+ @DBName +' EXEC sp_dropuser '''+@UserName +'''') ENDDELETE FROM #UserTable--ClearTablefetch next from c1 into @DBNameENDCLOSE C1deallocate c1PRINT 'Revoking Login'IF CHARINDEX(@UserName,'\')>1 BEGINEXEC ('EXEC sp_revokelogin '''+ @UserName +'''')--Check string for domain info, assume windows if '/' foundENDIF CHARINDEX(@UserName,'\')=0 AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name =@UserName) BEGIN--Check if SQL LoginEXEC ('DROP LOGIN ['+ @UserName +']')ENDDROP TABLE #UserTableDROP TABLE #Databases