Asking for a Google Review
Ask the question
Asking the question can sometimes feel difficult, but if you think you have provided a good service to your customers then it's worth asking if they can take five minutes out to review your site. That then provides a signal to other potential customers that you provide a good service.
Getting reviews on various platforms can be particularly hard work when you are in a Business-to-Business service type industry. There are some easy ways to send links to your customers to ask, so we will show you below, and hopefully add other platforms over time.
A friendly email asking for this should have the review link already in place. You can't really ask for the review if they have to go looking how to write it.
As the biggest Search Engine in the world, this is the obvious place to start, and luckily Google have partly provided the answer on this link. The easiest way is to use the place look up tool on the map as I have shown in the image.
If you haven't signed up for Google Business, then go and do it now!
To create the link, take the URL provided and combine it with the Place ID. The base hyperlink is this:<place_id>
Our place ID is ChIJgVGEpjAHdkgR-t4pgQL_XZY so our link becomes: